9th U.S. Infantry, Company C
The Annual "Muster on the Maumee,"
Fort Knox, and Fort St. Clair
by Joe Johnson
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In the setting of a restored 1812 Fort Site is the annual "Muster on the
Maumee," at Ft. Meigs. Inside the walled stockade is 10 acres of
area for troops to make camp. This is augmented by 7 blockhouses,
visitors will find large earthworks separating each camp. Among the
nine Spanish American War living historians present were Randy Raper,
Barry Hamper, and myself. Here we practiced period Bayonet Drill, and
practiced the art of making "Santiago Stew." A fine time for all as we
enjoyed the company of other re-enactors who displayed a time line from
1600 to the present.

The Patton Museum at Fort Knox, KY is the site a great World War Two
event every year. In 1999 a time line was added honoring the American
Soldier from 1775 to 1999. The participants were asked to exhibit their
clothing, equipment, and weapons for the public. The evolution of
individual weapons was interesting to see for sure. The tour of the Patton
Museum was certainly worth the drive all in itself. You might want to mark
on your calendars for next year as this is an annual event occurs every
4th of July.
The last weekend in September each year is the event at Ft. St.
Clair. Held on the site of a 1795 era fort which is now a
beautifully wooded park setting. Here the hosts treat the
Living Historians as Royalty. All participants are given a
wounderous Saturday evening meal, "invasion money" which can be used at
the numerous food vendors present and a medallion commemorating the
event. Sunday afternoon of the second day event features a Spanish
American war Battle complete with period correct breast works, ground
charges and artillery pieces on each side. A large contingent of
Spanish Troops are present to give the U.S. Forces a real go.
This is an excellent event for the families too. C-Company turns
out in force for this event.

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