Spanish American War Veterans of
Artesia, New Mexico
Contributed by David
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The Photos:
Below are two photos, one taken about 1938, and the second taken about
The first image, below, is of a group of men in front of VFW hall in
Artesia, NM. This is the "Spanish American War Veterans encampment,
Artesia NM, April 23, 1938." This photo would have been taken to
memorialize the 40th anniversary of the outbreak of the Spanish American
The man in the light suit, sitting second from the left is George
Frisch. Beside Mr. Frisch, sitting third from the left is Joseph
C. Shuff (51st Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Co.
I). The man holding the cane in the center of the front row is John D. Wagner (1st
U.S. Volunteer Infantry - "Rough Riders" - Troop M). Sitting
two places to the right of Mr. Wagner is John
W. Kennedy (4th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Co. A) with a light
suit and a mustache.
In the second row, at far left wearing a cap is Jack
Hastie. The man holding the flag is John
Vandagriff (Arkansas 1st Reg't Infantry, Co. I).

The second image taken about
1940, shows 6 men, the only Spanish American War vets known to be living
in the area at the time. The back row, from left to right are George
Frisch (Co. K, 3rd Nebraska Volunteer Infantry),
John W. Vandagriff (1st Arknasas
Volunteer Infantry, Co. I), Jack Hastie
(18th U.S. Infantry, Co. G). The front row, from
right to left are Loren E. Neely (2nd
Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. C), John
Kennedy, (4th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Co. A) and Joe C. Shuff (51st Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Co. I).

Thanks to Pauline Vandagriff Laughlin for identifying her
grandfather in the 1938 photo!
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