Purple Heart for
Spanish American War Veterans
by Patrick McSherry
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The Purple Heart medal has a
unique and surprising history. It is often pointed out that It is the
oldest American military decoration, which is true in that it was
instituted during the American Revolution. At that time it was a cloth
insignia and issued for meritorious service, not specifically for being
wounded. Also, only three were issued for service in the Revolution.
Following the Revolution, the decoration was basically forgotten.
Interest in
the medal revived during World War One when it became apparent that other
allied nations had a variety of military decorations for different levels
of valor, where are the U.S. only had the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Other medals were instituted but required such a level of heroism in
combat that many believed an additional medal was needed. However, it was
not until 1932 that the U.S. Army brought back the Purple Heart for those
performing “any singular meritorious act of extraordinary fidelity or
essential service.“ The orders also noted that a wound received in action
that required treatment by a medical officer would be “construed as
resulting from a singularly meritorious act of essential service." It was
limited to men who served in the U.S. Army, not the U.S. Navy nor U.S.
Marine Corps (though some did qualify by service with the AEF in World War
One). Also, the medal was only issued to living individuals. It could not
be awarded posthumously.
The orders,
however, allowed for the medal to be issued retroactively. Over 78,000
were issued, mainly to World War One veterans…but very few were issued to
Spanish American War Veterans.
With the
start of World War Two, the requirements were changed so that the medal
could be issued posthumously. By 1942, the Purple Heart became exclusively
for those wounded or killed in action, and the award was also opened to
those who served in Navy, Marines and Coast Guard in addition to the Army.
The front of the medal
features the profile of George Washington, below a small crest with
red stars and red bars on a white field, which is based on the crest
of Washington's great-great-great-grandfather, Lawrence Washington of
Sugrave Manor, Northamptonshire, England. The back includes the crest
(without color) and the words "For Military Merit." The recipient 's
name is usually engraved below.
This particular medal was
issued to Frederick G. Muenzing who served in the 16th U.S. Infantry, Co.
C. He was wounded by gunshot wound to the right side in the assault
on San Juan Hill on July 1, 1898.
Below is a list of some of Spanish American War veterans who received the
Purple Heart:
Seymour Addison
Herman W. Bensel
Fred W. Bugbee, 1st
U.S. Volunteer Cavalry
William C. Everett, 1st
Washington Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
Benjamin Gaskins, 10th
U.S. Cavalry, Troop C
Charles E. Haley 22nd U.S. Infantry, Co. G
John Murphy
Gustave Meyer
Frederick G. Muenzing, 16th U.S. Infantry,
Co. C
Rosario Ricciardelli, U.S.S.
Fred Sprague, 17th
U.S. Infantry, Co. F
John C. Whalen
John William Trimmer, 12th U.S. Infantry,
Co. C
Borch, Fred L., "The
Purple Heart – The Story of America’s Oldest Military Decoration and
Some Soldier Recipients," Army Historical Foundation.
“Col. F.W. Bugbee,
Rough Rider Dies," New York Times. May 15, 1932, Section N, 5.
Veterans Honored for Distinguished War Service,” Oakland
Tribune (Oakland, CA). March 30, 1933, 13.
National Purple Heart Hall
of Honor -
Ricciardelli, Sprague, Trimmer)
“Spanish War
Veteran Awarded Purple Heart,” The
Marion Star (Marion Ohio). November 24, 1952, 1. (Haley)
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