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Spanish Order of Battle in Cuba, 1898

(courtesy of  Dr. N. V. Mitiuckov of Izhevsk, Russia)

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General: Below is the Spanish order of battle in Cuba during the Spanish American War.

HEADQUARTERS BRIGADE (Havana) - Gen. Tejeda:
21st rifle bat. "Valladolid";
38th inf. bat. "Leon";
10th rifle bat. "Navas";
3rd(?) squadron of cavalry regiment "Rey";
one platoon of 1-st battery of 5-th mount. artillery regiment.

one police battalion "Orden Publico";
1st bat. "Provis. de Habana" (orderlies and clerks of army's staff);
2nd bat. "Provis. de Habana" (orderlies and clerks of army's staff);
2nd peninsular inf. bat. "Union";
3rd squadron of cavalry regiment "Rey" (only one platoon);
5th, 6-th companies of telegraph's bat.;
4th pioneer's reg. (only three and half companies);
3rd pioneer's reg. (only two companies);
one squadron of Guardia Civil (Vol.);
one squadron of hussars (Vol.);

five brigades, as follows:

1st Brigade
13th inf. bat. "Mallorca";
one pioneer's reg. (Vol.);
Independent company "Velado" (Vol.);
4th rifle bat. "Habana" (Vol.);
5th rifle bat. "Habana" (Vol.);
1st squadron (Vol.);
extra cavalry troop to inf. bat. "Mallorca" (Vol.).

2nd Brigade
3rd rifle bat. "Barcelona";
12th rifle bat. "Zaragoza";
1st rifle bat. "Habana" (Vol.);
3rd rifle bat. "Habana" (Vol.);
2nd squadron (Vol.);
extra cavalry troop to inf. bat. "Barcelona" (Vol.).

3rd Brigade
2nd inf. bat. "Reina";
13th rifle bat. "Merida";
31st inf. bat. "Asturias";
?th inf. bat. "Iesus del Monte";
7th rifle bat. "Habana" (Vol.);
8th rifle bat. "Habana" (Vol.);
3rd squadron (Vol.);
4th squadron (Vol.);
extra cavalry troop to inf. bat. "Reina" (Vol.).

4th Brigade
1st peninsular inf. bat. "Bailen";
9th inf. bat. "Soria";
4th squadron of cav. reg. "Hernan Cortez";
Independent company "Guanabacoa" (Vol.);
Independent company "Regla" (Vol.);
extra cavalry troop to inf. bat. "Bailen" (Vol.)
extra cavalry troop to inf. bat. "Soria" (Vol.).

5th Brigade
volunteer. inf. bat. "Urbanos";
2nd rifle bat. "Habana" (Vol.).

1ST CORPS - Gen. Gonzalez Parado; four divisions, as follows:

1ST DIVISION (Guanajay) - Gen. Hernandez
one squadron (probably 1-st or 2-nd) of cav. reg. "Villaviciosa";
one squadron of  Guardia Civil;
3rd battery of 4-th mount. artillery reg. (only one platoon);
4th company of telegraph bat.;
14th train company;

two brigades, as follows:

1st Brigade (Guanajay):
2-nd bat. of  1-st naval inf. reg.;
50th inf. bat. "Vad Ras";
44th inf. bat. "San Macial";
47th inf. bat. "San Quintin";
5th inf. bat. "Infante";
41st inf. bat. "Baleares";
42nd inf. bat. "Canarias";
22nd inf. bat. "Gerona";
3rd battery of 5-th mount. artillery reg.;
one section of squadron "Iberia" (complete from ex-insurgents bands).

2nd Brigade (Caimito):
39th inf. bat. "Cantabria";
9th rifle bat. "Araplies";
43rd inf. bat. "Garellano";
37th inf. bat. "Murcia";
one section of squadron "Iberia" (complete from ex-insurgents bands).

2ND DIVSION (Alquizar) - Gen. Valderrama
6th company of 4-th pioneer's reg.;
2nd train company;

Two brigades, as follows:

1st Brigade (Alguizar)
7th peninsular inf. bat. "San Quintin";
inf. bat. "Provision de Baleares";
49th inf. bat. "Otumba";
cavalry reg. "Borbon";
3rd cavalry squadron "Villaviciosa";
2nd battery of 4-th mount. artillery reg.
extra cav. troop "Peral" (Vol.).

2nd Brigade (Campo Florido)
4th rifle bat. "Barbastro";
inf. bat. "Provision de Canarias";
30th inf. bat. "Lealtad";
30th cav. reg. "Pizarro";
33rd cav. reg. "Bayamo";
4th battery of 4-th mount. artillery reg.

3RD DIVISION (Matanzas) - Gen. Molina
3rd squadron "Sagunto";
1st bat. of 3rd pioneer's reg. (only one company);
inf. bat. "Habana" (complete from ex-insurgents bands);
inf. bat. "Matanzas" (1-st bat. complete in Matanzas from
ex-insurgents bands);

Two brigades, as follows:

1st Brigade (Aguacate)
20th inf. bat. "Guadalajara";
53rd inf. bat. "Guipiscoa";
46-th inf. bat. "Espana";
disciplinary brigade;
1st squadron of cav. reg. "Numancia";
3rd squadron of cav. reg. "Numancia";
2nd squadron of cav. reg. "Alfonso XIII";
4th squadron of cav. reg. "Alfonso XIII".

2nd Brigade (Matanzas)
63rd inf. bat. "Maria Cristina" (1-st, 2-nd, 3-rd companies);
27th inf. bat. "Cuenza";
inf. bat. "Matanzas" (2nd bat. complete in Matanzas from
ex-insurgents bands);

3RD DIVISION (Cardenas) - Gen. Bernal
1st bat. of  4 pioneer's reg. (only one and half companies);
3rd (or 2nd ?) squadron of cav. reg. "Sagunto";

Two brigades, as follows:

1st Brigade (Cardenas)
25th inf. bat. "Navarra";
6th inf. bat. "Saboya";
1st bat. of 1st naval inf. reg.;
one squadron of Guardia Civil;
squadron "Macagua" (Vol.);
squadron "Cardenas" (Vol.).

2nd Brigade (between Placetas and Sancti Spiritus)
23rd inf. bat. "Valencia";
4th inf. bat. "Princessa";
25th rifle bat. "Tetuan";
17th inf. bat. "Borbon";
8th inf. bat. "Zamora";
2nd squadron of cav. reg. "Numancia";
4th squadron of cav. reg. "Numancia";
6th battery of 5-th mount. artillery reg.
16th train company.

2ND CORPS - Gen. Aguirre
4th battery of 5th mount. artillery reg.;
5th company of 10th fort. artillery battalion (only one section);
1st bat. of 4th pioneer's reg. (only 5th company);

Three divisions, as follows:

1ST DIVISION (Santa Clara) - Gen. Aldave
4th squadron "Sagunto";
4th battery of 5th mount. artillery reg. (only one platoon);
2nd company of telegraph's bat.
one squadron of Guardia Civil;

Three brigades, as follows:

1st Brigade (Sagua)
19th inf. bat. "Galicia";
33rd inf. bat. "Sevilla";
28th inf. bat. "Luchana";
6th peninsular inf. bat. "Baza";
11th train company.

2nd Brigade (Sienfuegos)
54th inf. bat. "Luzon";
23rd rifle bat. "Colon";
36th inf. bat. "Burgos";
inf. bat. "Pando" (consisting of troops from ex-insurgent bands);
9th train company.

3rd Brigade (Trinidad)
1st rifle bat. "Cataluna";
24th inf. bat. "Bailen";
9th peninsular inf. bat. "Antequera";
17th train company.

2ND DIVISION (Sancti Spiritus) - Gen. Laro
2nd color company (consisting of Blacks from ex-insurgent bands);
inf. bat. "Sancti Spiritus" (consisting of Blacks from ex-insurgent);
cav. reg. "Camajuani" (consisting of Blacks from ex-insurgent bands);
5th battery of 4-th mount. artillery reg.;

Three brigades, as follows:

1st Brigade (Sancti Spiritus)
32-nd inf. bat. "Isabel II";
1st inf. bat. "Rey";
8th color company (consisting of Blacks from ex-insurgent bands);
13th train company.

2nd Brigade (Remedios)
40th inf. bat. "Covadonga";
14th inf. bat. "America";
48th inf. bat. "Pavia";
34th inf. bat. "Granada";
1st color company (consisting of Blacks from ex-insurgent bands);
?th cav. reg. "Reina";
7th train company;
some units of 13th train company.

3rd Brigade (Sagua)
1st inf. bat. "Cuba Espanola" (consisting of troops from ex-insurgent bands);
2nd inf. bat. "Cuba Espanola" (consisting of troops from ex-insurgent bands);
3rd inf. bat. "Cuba Espanola" (consisting of troops from ex-insurgent bands);
4th inf. bat. "Cuba Espanola" (consisting of troops from ex-insurgent bands);
5th inf. bat. "Cuba Espanola" (consisting of troops from ex-insurgent bands).

3RD DIVISION (on railway Jucaro-Moron) - Gen. Castellanos
?th cav. reg. "Principe";
cav. reg. "Camaguey" (consisting of troops from ex-insurgent bands);
3rd battery of 4-th mount. artillery reg.;
4th company of 1-st bat. of 4th pioneer's reg.;
2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th companies of railway's battalion;
3rd telegraph's company;
5th train company;
12th train company;

Three brigades, as follows:

1st Brigade
16th rifle bat. "Reus";
5th rifle bat. "Tarifa";
2nd rifle bat. "Albuera".

2nd Brigade
1st Royal inf. bat. "Alfonso XIII";
2nd Royal inf. bat. "Alfonso XIII";
3rd Royal inf. bat. "Alfonso XIII".

3rd Brigade
5th peninsular inf. bat. "Chiclana";
11th rifle bat. "Llerena".

3RD CORPS - Gen. Salcedo; Two divisions, as follows:

1st Division (Puerto Principe) - gen. Marde
67th inf. bat. "Tarragona" (only 1st and 2nd companies);
18th inf. bat. "Almanza";
22-nd rifle bat. "Cadiz";
2nd inf. bat. of  Puerto Rico;
bat. "Madrid" of  Spain volunteers;
1st squadron of cav. reg. "Alfonso XIII";
3rd squadron of cav. reg. "Alfonso XIII";
1st squadron of cav. reg. "Hernan Cortez";
2nd squadron of cav. reg. "Hernan Cortez";
one squadron of Guardia Civil;
7th telegraph's company;
2nd battery of 5th mount. artillery reg.;
4th company of 10-th fort. artillery battalion;
8th company of 10-th fort. artillery battalion;
1st bat. of 3rd pioneer's reg. (only one company);
4-th train company;
extra cav. troop "Centro" (Vol.);
extra cav. troop "Camaguey" (Vol.);
extra cav. troop "Puerto Principe" (Vol.);
extra cav. troop "Alfonso XIII" (Vol.).

2nd Division (Holguin) - gen. Luque
66-th inf. bat. "Habana" (only 1-st and 2-nd companies);
7th inf. bat. "Sicilia";
15th inf. bat. "Extremadura";
5th inf. bat. of Puerto Rico;
8th peninsular inf. bat. "Vergara";
21st inf. bat. "Aragon";
two bat. of naval inf.
3rd squadron of cav. reg. "Hernan Cortez";
squadron of Guardia Civil;
1st battery of 4-th mount. artillery reg.;
5th battery of 5-th mount. art. reg.;
1st bat. of 3-rd pioneer's reg. (only one company);
3rd train company.

4TH CORPS - Gen. Linares; Two divisions, as follows.

1ST DIVISION (Manzanillo)
51-st inf. bat. "Viscaya";
56-th inf. bat. "Alava";
52-nd inf. bat. "Andalucia";
3-rd peninsular inf. bat. "Alcantra";
19-th rifle bat. "Puerto Rico";
75-th inf. bat. "Isabel la Catolica" (only 1-st and 2-nd companies);
1-st cav. squadron "Sagunto";
8-th company of 10-th fort. art. battalion (only one platoon);
8-th company of 3-rd pioneer's reg.;
6-th train company;
10-th train company;
Independent "Niquero" (consisting of troops from ex-insurgent bands);
some companies (probably two) of volunteers of Niquero and
extra cav. troop "O'Rian" (Vol.).

2nd Division (Santiago de Cuba) - gen. Toral.
65th inf. bat. "Cuba" (only 1-st company);
1st company of 10-th fort. art. battalion;
3rd pioneer's reg. (only three companies);
1st company of telegraph's battalion;
one squadron of Guardia Civil;

Two brigades, as follows:

1-st Brigade (S. Luis) - Gen. Vara del Rey.
29th inf. bat. "Constitucion" (S. Luis);
55th inf. bat. "Asia" (Monte Real);
65th inf. bat. "Cuba" (only 2nd company) (Hermitano);
1st inf. bat. of Puerto Rico (Songo);
11th inf. bat. "San Fernando" (Palma Soriano);
1st and 4th squadrons of cav. reg. "Rey";
6th battery of 4-th mount. art. reg. (only one platoon);
1st train company.

2-nd Brigade (Guantanamo) - Gen. Pareja.
3rd inf. bat. "Principe" (Guantanamo);
64th inf. bat. "Simancas" (1st company - in Palma Soriano, 2nd - in Sabanilla);
35th inf. bat. "Toledo" (Tiguabos);
4th peninsular inf. bat. "Talavera" (Diaba);
10th inf. bat. "Cordoba" (Sagua de Tanamo);
2nd squadron of cav. reg. "Rey";
6th battery of 4th mount. art. reg. (only one platoon);
8th train company;
two extra cav. troop to inf. bat. "Simancas" (Vol.);
three extra cav. troop of Duaba (Vol.).


101 inf. bat. (plus two bat. of orderlies and clerks);
4 bat. of naval inf.;
45 cav. squadrons in 11 cav. reg.;
2 mount. art. reg. (70 guns: 28 of Krupp-system and 42 of
3 fort. art. battalions;
2 pioneer's bat.;
2 railway's bat.;
2 telegraph's bat.;
2 companies of pontoners;
17 train companies.

TOTAL NUMBER OF SPANISH TROOPS IN CUBA (Based on Spanish documents at
the beginning of the war)
Regular units:
Staffs 96 officers / 0 men
Infantry 2,245 officers/ 130,146 men
Cavalry 345 officers/ 8,019 men
Artillery 170 officers / 5,083 men
Pioneers 118 officers/ 5,330 men
Medical Personal 490 officers/ 1,945 men
Train units 249 officers/ 1,850 men
Guardia Civil 165 officers / 4,293 men
TOTAL 3,139 officers/ 156,666 men

Volunteers Units:
Infantry 2,895 officers/ 60,865 men
Cavalry 1,202 officers / 13,594 men
Artillery 293 officers / 3,830 men
Pioneers 68 officers / 1,373 men
Naval infantry 137 officers / 2,371 men
TOTAL 4,595 officers / 82,033 men

COMBINED TOTAL: 7,724 officers/238,699 men


Zhilinskiy Y.G. Ispano-Americanskaya Woyna. Otchet komandirovannogo poVisochayshemu poveleniyu k ispanskim voiskam na ostrov Kubu. S.Peterburg: Ekonomicheskaya Tipo-litografia, 1899.

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