The Spanish American War Centennial Website has begun an effort to record the gravesite data and grave locations of Spanish American War Veterans. The data is being compiled by state.
If you care to begin a grave recording project in your area or simply add to one of the pages already being compiled, we would welcome your contribution of information. If you simply want to contribute the data on a single person, and we have no page for your state yet, please submit the data and we'll start a new page. Please send all data recorded to us in the format provided below (Note the use of capital letters for the name and also note that not all of this data is available on each grave stone. Provide only the data available, place it in the proper location in the format below and email it to us).
Please remember that we can only accept information that has been verified in the field. Also, please do not email us genealogical questions. We cannot help you in this regard other than direct you to our page on Researching a Spanish American War veteran.
The format for submitted data:
Regiment, Company (Birth date - Death date) (Cemetery Name,
Town, County, State)
Here's an example:
4th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. L (1877 - 1899)
(Greenwood Cemetery, Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA)
ALSO...please be sure to provide your name in your email, so that we
can credit you for your help! If you need help reading a gravestone,
please read about how to read a gravestone by clicking
||| Alabama||| Arizona ||| Arkansas |||
California ||| Colorado
||| Connecticut
Delaware ||| Florida
||| Georgia||| Hawaii
||| Idaho |||
Illinois ||| Indiana
||| Iowa
Kansas ||| Kentucky
||| Louisiana ||| Maine
||| Maryland ||| Massachusetts
Michigan ||| Minnesota
||| Mississippi ||| Missouri
||| Montana ||| Nebraska
Nevada |||
New Hampshire ||| New
Jersey ||| New Mexico ||| New York|
North Carolina ||| North Dakota ||| Ohio
||| Oklahoma ||| Oregon
||| Rhode
Island ||| South
Carolina ||| South
Dakota ||| Tennessee
||| Utah ||| Vermont ||| Virginia
||| Washington DC |||
Washington (State) ||| West Virginia ||| Wisconsin
||| Wyoming
Civilian Who Died Serving the Military